2 thoughts on “Ancient skull, looks like it was hung from a necklace

  1. As it turns out, it’s a large skull watch given by Mary Queen of Scots to Mary Seton. The forehead is engraved with a figure of Death with his scythe and hourglass and the Latin quotation meaning “pale death visits with impartial foot the cottages of the poor and the castles of the rich” (Horace). The skull is held upside down and the jaw lifted to read the silver dial. The hour is struck by a small hammer on a silver bell which fills the entire hollow of the skull. Made by Moyant A Blois (1570-90). Very cool!

    • Wow, I had no idea the back story on this object. Never would’ve guessed it was a watch or had anything to do with Mary Queen of Scots. Cool! Thanks for the info!

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