My pup


I have to go away for a couple of days to take my dog to a specialist surgeon for some complicated surgery to remove a cyst. He’s only 10 so I’m hoping he’ll survive. He’s already had three miracles: Being rescued from the floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans as a tiny pup and somehow making his way through the canine equivalent of the Underground Railway to the far North where I live and I adopted him; narrowly escaping having his eyes ripped out by a vet who didn’t know there was another procedure that could be done to save his eyes; and very narrowly avoiding getting shot and killed by a 10 year old with a semi-automatic weapon (ah, America) shooting at him because he thought he was a coyote. Hoping he has at least one more miracle in him. He’s the best dog. Probably won’t be back to posting till Wednesday night.