3 thoughts on “Nazis in Sheep’s Clothing

  1. Interesting poster: notice the soviet soldier holding the famous ppd submachinegun aimed at the nazi woolf. The allied alliance is clearly depicted here: a soviet soldier and the message in english ! great finding !

    • Yes, and unfortunately a little too relevant today. I think eventually we will see a few wolves in sheep’s clothing exposed in the Trump administration. And there’s an obvious wolf in sheep’s clothing running for president in France – LePen. I hope she doesn’t get elected almost as much as I hope Trump is impeached.

      • Yep ! Here, things are very uncertain and in some aspects quite strange. The Fillon affair is seen by some as a trick to gear for a duel Macron vs Le Pen with sure victory of Macron. I think this is too simplistic, I think this affair has been disclosed at the best moment: when the right’s primary was finished. However, it seems to come from the inside this party and not from outside. This is because some personalities of the party alluded to Fillion’s “parliamentary assistants” long ago (2011 or 2012 if I remember well ?). All in all someone in the party plotted that and released the evidence to the Canard Enchaîné. The results could be stunning, and considering that many speak of not voting in case of a Le Pen – X duel…

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