Jackie Shane – Walking the Dog

Jackie Shane was a trans singer who was the queen of the Toronto R & B scene in the mid 1960’s. Jackie had several minor hits, and actually was a cousin of Little Richard. Totally in awe – what a trendsetter as far as being trans and out there.

Who knew the comics could be so gay!


Can’t tell if the woman is covering her mouth from awe at his dancing, stifling a laugh, or throwing up a little in her mouth…

Um, someone needs to tell this kid the coming out process isn’t exactly like the transformation from a catrerpillar to a butterfly.

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They must be referring to something else but I can’t for the life of me think of what.

… at least he’s TRYING to sound gay!

Apparently Batman and Michael Jackson had some things in common…?

Cute couple!

And I luvs my “fag hags” too!