2 thoughts on “Bronze statue of the dancing Faunus, found in Pompeii

  1. I like mythological creatures, especially fauns and centaurs.
    This one is beautiful. Unfortunately very few actual pictures of it can be found on the Web, most of them being of copies made of more or less vulgar material, though I found an interesting bronze copy for sale while looking this statue. The price was much less interesting, of course 🙂

    (Did I mention I appreciate your daily posts very much already? ’cause I do.
    Only trouble is I am prevented by the JetPack/Wordpress plugins from posting comments here using my email. Logging with Twitter’s credentials is erratic, so I decided to create a new gmail address in order to post my comments… One would say I am a bit stubborn, would they not? LoL)

    • Glad you figured out a way to still be able to post comments. I have very limited knowledge about this platform & all the intricacies of how it works – I know just enough to keep posting at least. Glad you like my site, thanks. And thanks for sending some people over from your site!

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